Wednesday 20 November 2019


Easy Integration and Deployment. The standard image enhancements include overall image adjustments and filters applied to improve detail and remove background noise. Most importantly, the solution helps turn the previously unusable images into hard evidence to solve crimes. Using the human face as a key to security, biometric face recognition technology has received significant attention in the past several years due to its potential for a wide variety of applications in both law enforcement and non-law enforcement. Highly compressed surveillance videos and images, previously considered of little to no value, are now usable evidence and leading to higher rates of positive identification. nec neoface

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NEC's biometric face recognition technology is used worldwide for fighting crime, preventing fraud and improving public safety. Another advantage of NeoFace Reveal is its rapid processing of facial evidence coupled with its ability to generate persons of interest list investigation immediately after the crime has taken place.

nec neoface

In addition, face recognition serves the crime deterrent purpose because face images that have been recorded and archived can later help identify a person. This allows system operators to develop watch lists of potential matches while maintaining a full audit trail for each step in the image enhancement process. Top of this page. By applying experience in biometric identification solutions used in 40 countries worldwide over the past decade, NEC has concentrated on developing stronger face recognition methods within the framework of biometric security systems and is now applying face recognition technology to law enforcement and other markets.

NeoFace Reveal shows an immediate return on investment for customers. It is unobtrusive and requires no operator interaction. Law enforcement agencies are also charged with identifying wanted individuals in public places.

Top of this page. The NeoFace Watch application is a Web-based thin client with an easy-to-use user interface. The standard image enhancements include overall image adjustments and filters applied to improve detail and remove background noise.

nec neoface

By applying experience in biometric identification solutions used in 40 countries worldwide over the past decade, NEC has concentrated on developing stronger face recognition methods within the framework of biometric security systems and is now applying face recognition technology to law enforcement and other markets. It reduces investigation time and investigator workload. Security threats are a growing concern at international and national levels, as well as within commercial organizations.

NeoFace Reveal is available as either a standalone solution or integrated with NEC biometric identification system. In addition, security and facilities managers need to keep known undesirables and unknowns off their premises, as well as identifying returning VIPs to a facility. The application can be easily customized and integrated into existing systems and operational processes.

Brochure NeoFace Reveal Brochure.

Public Safety

NEC NeoFace technology's strength lies in its tolerance of poor quality. When the system identifies an individual of interest from the watch list, it raises an alert, so appropriate actions can be taken rapidly to reduce the risk of public safety threats.

NEC's biometric face nelface technology is used worldwide for fighting crime, preventing fraud and improving public safety. NeoFace Reveal also delivers several advanced enhancements, allowing correction of difficult to match images: Law enforcement agencies are also charged with identifying wanted individuals in public places.

NEC's biometric face recognition technology is used worldwide for fighting crime, preventing fraud and improving public safety. NeoFace Reveal enables law enforcement agencies to enhance poor quality latent face images for comparison to their mugshot repositories.

Faces of individuals are captured and extracted from the video feed and quality matched in real-time. NeoFace Watch Flyer Download.

Face Recognition

Local Navigation Menu Biometric Authentication. The NeoFace Watch application is a Web-based thin client with an easy-to-use user interface.

nec neoface

NeoFace Reveal also provides a set of verification tools that helps identify the person in question in a timely manner, allowing investigators to act upon the search results in the critical time period after a crime has been committed. NeoFace Watch software is able to process multiple camera feeds extracting and matching thousands of faces per minute. Using the human face as a key to security, biometric face recognition technology has received significant attention in the past several years due to its potential for a wide variety of applications in both law enforcement and non-law enforcement.

NEC's biometric face recognition technology is used worldwide for fighting crime, preventing fraud and improving public safety. NeoFace Watch Brochure Download. NeoFace Watch helps reduce the risk of security threats by integrating face matching technology with video surveillance input while checking individuals against known photographic watch lists, and producing real-time alerts.

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